HomeMonopoly Go Tips and TricksHow to Get Free Rolls for Monopoly Go? (Tips, Tricks and Guide)

How to Get Free Rolls for Monopoly Go? (Tips, Tricks and Guide)

monopoly go·March 30, 2024

This post discusses the methods to obtain free dice rolls in Monopoly Go. In the game, spinning dice rolls is essential for moving your token on the board.

To initiate a dice roll, you must tap the prominent red "GO!" button, which consumes one of your available Dice Rolls. To acquire more rolls within Monopoly Go, the following methods will prove beneficial:

How to Get Free Rolls for Monopoly Go?

You can get free dice in Monopoly Go through: Free Dice Links, Dice Refills, Boost Net Worth, Complete Sticker Album, Daily Rewards, Quick Wins, Invite Friends, Events and Tournaments, Shop Gift Boxes, Landing Shields/Opportunities Cards, chests and colors set bonus wheel.

1. Monopoly Go Free Dice Links

Free dice links serve as an excellent method to acquire over 50 free dice rolls daily in Monopoly Go. These links are disseminated through the game's official social media channels such as Facebook, Instagram, and Discord by the game publisher.

To claim rewards from these links, simply visit the provided dice link, which redirects you to the game app, offering the option to obtain dice rewards within the app.

Additionally, you can discover all available Monopoly Go free dice links on various gaming blogs, such as the Monopoly Go Free Dice Links.

2. Free volume per hour

In the game, a feature called "Rolls replenish" automatically grants you 6 free rolls every hour, provided that your Rolls bar isn't already full (initially set at 30 rolls).

The rate at which dice replenish is influenced by your net worth. Every 60 minutes, you'll receive additional dice, the quantity of which is determined by your net worth.

To optimize this feature, it's beneficial to advance in the game, as doing so can increase your Rolls bar limit. Additionally, playing the game regularly allows you to accumulate and utilize more free rolls effectively.

3. Complete board level

You can enhance your net worth in the game by upgrading your town, acquiring buildings, and undertaking various tasks.

Completing all build upgrades to their maximum level results in the completion of your board, allowing you to advance to the next level. With each new level attained, you'll receive free dice rewards as a bonus. This progression system encourages players to engage in town development and strategic building upgrades to unlock additional rewards.

4. Complete sticker album

Completing sticker albums offers a pathway to obtain free rewards, including rolls, within the game. Stickers are acquired from sticker packs, which can be obtained through events and various in-game activities.

Moreover, players have the option to trade duplicate stickers with friends, facilitating the acquisition of missing stickers necessary for completing albums. This social aspect of the game encourages collaboration and interaction among players to progress in collecting stickers and earning rewards.

5.Daily rewards

Daily Treats rewards are earned by opening the game each day. By logging in daily and consecutively, players receive increasingly better rewards. This consistent login streak allows players to claim one free reward per day, which may include dice rolls or other valuable items.

6. Quick wins

Quick Wins are daily tasks designed to aid in your progression towards earning weekly rewards. As you complete these tasks, you'll reach several milestones along the way, each offering different rewards such as dice, money, and stickers.

To keep track of your tasks and rewards, simply tap on the "Wins" button located at the bottom left corner of the screen. This feature allows you to monitor your progress and claim your rewards as you work towards completing your daily tasks.

7. Invite friends

In Monopoly Go, you can earn 30 free dice rolls by inviting new friends to join the game. Simply navigate to the game's friends section and send an invite link to your friends. Once your friend accepts the invitation and joins the game using your link, you will receive the free rolls as a reward. This incentivizes players to expand their social circle within the game and encourages interaction among friends.

8. Events and Championships

Events serve as an excellent opportunity to acquire additional free dice rolls in Monopoly Go. By participating in events and joining game tournaments, players can compete for prizes, which often include dice rolls.

During Tournaments and Milestone Events, players can earn dice rolls as rewards at various checkpoints. To track your progress and view upcoming rewards, simply check the Event window's Gift Icon for details on the next reward.

Additionally, achieving high scores and securing prominent placements on the leaderboard in tournaments can also earn players dice rolls and other valuable prizes. This incentivizes active participation in events and encourages players to strive for excellence in their gameplay.

9. Daily free gift boxes in the store

In Monopoly Go, players receive a daily free gift box available in the in-game shop. This gift box contains either free rolls or money.

Once a player's net worth reaches 15, they become eligible to claim the free gift. This gift can be claimed in the in-game shop every 18 hours.

To collect the free gift box, navigate to the in-game shop screen from the main menu. Swipe through the top offer slides until you reach the last slide, where you can then collect your daily free gift box. This feature encourages players to engage with the in-game shop regularly and rewards them for their progression and activity within the game.

10. Landing Shield

When you reach the maximum number of shields and land on a shield tile in Monopoly Go, the collected shields will be exchanged for dice.

The quantity of shields or dice collected in this exchange is determined by your role multiplier. For instance, if you land on a shield tile with a x3 multiplier, you will receive 3 shields or dice accordingly. This mechanic encourages players to strategize and maximize their role multipliers to optimize their rewards in the game.

11. Login opportunity card

Indeed, the opportunity to earn dice by landing on chance tiles in Monopoly Go adds an element of luck to the game. The number of dice you receive in this scenario is determined by your role multiplier. Therefore, landing on chance tiles with a higher role multiplier increases your chances of earning more dice. This feature adds excitement and unpredictability to the gameplay, as players rely on both strategy and luck to progress in the game.

12. Community Chest

Opening Community Chests in Monopoly Go presents players with the opportunity to obtain dice, money, and stickers. Having more friends in the game increases your chances of winning bigger prizes when opening Community Chests.

Additionally, players can receive dice rolls directly when opening Community Chests. It's essential to keep an eye on your timeline for these opportunities.

Friends displaying a gift box icon on their picture provide you with a free reward, which may include dice rolls or an active friend bonus.

A helpful tip is to utilize active friend bonuses on other friends displaying present icons to enhance your chances of winning the times 50 Community Chest. This strategic approach increases your odds of obtaining significant rewards from Community Chests.

13. Complete color settings

Completing color sets in Monopoly Go grants players the opportunity to spin the rewards wheel, which offers various rewards such as sticker packs, money, or dice rolls.

Players can achieve color set completion by landing on the property set once each property has been upgraded to hotels. This strategic progression incentivizes players to strategically develop their property sets to unlock the rewards wheel and potentially earn valuable rewards.

14. Reward stickers

In Monopoly Go, players have the option to trade duplicate stickers with other players or exchange them for rewards using the "Stickers for rewards" feature.

To check how many dice rolls you can obtain, navigate to the Album and tap on the safe box located in the bottom right corner.

We hope you find this Monopoly Go Free Dice Rolls guide helpful in collecting more rolls in the game. Happy gaming!